Analyze Top 100 for any keyword from any location.

The #1 Google SERP Checker

By increasing the visibility of your website in search engine results pages (SERPs), clicks from search engines can help improve your website's ranking. When a user clicks on a link to your website from a SERP, it signals to Google that your website is relevant and popular, making it more likely to appear higher in the SERPs when users search for related terms. Furthermore, increased click-through rates can also help to boost organic rankings.
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Organic SEO Clicks Benefits

Get More Visibility, More Organic Traffic, and More Sales

Better SEO Ranking
Websites can gain more traffic and visibility
Google Ads Safe
The clicks are done by real people and fully comply with Google Ads terms
Real People — No Bots
Our software automatically detects bots and bans them
Got any questions?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a check?
UPSEO SEO company

When you create a project, you specify:

- Website
- Keyword
- Country
- Language

Then the system starts checking the position of the Website for the Keyword. We use real browsers with the Language and local proxies from the Country to make the requests; therefore, the data is precise and shows the actual position of your website.Each request consumes 1 Check Credit. So a project will consume about 30 credits per month to do the checks.
You can choose to receive the reports in your email daily, weekly, or monthly.

How many checks do I need?
UPSEO SEO company

We recommend checking the positions daily to see your website's rank dynamic. In a month, such a project will consume around 30 credits.
A project is a set of a Website, Keyword, Location, and Language. If you need to check from another location or use another language, you are expected to create another project for it.
Multiply the quantity of the projects by 30 to get the number of clicks needed per month.

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